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Just for you – and, yes, even you – Butterflies!
By their very nature and presence, butterflies remind us of joy and pleasure. They can bring a smile even in difficult times – and that is exactly what they ask us for when they arrive: to pause, notice and enjoy the beauty and wonder right now in this moment.
These butterflies are layered together with a Dahlia, sunlight shimmers, and the Essence Mandala “Blessings’. Spend a moment with this image. Feel the blessings reach you exactly in the way you need them. May the butterflies breathe ease into your heart. May they lift your spirits with their bright colours. May they carry away your pain and worries. May you know that you are not alone. You are loved.
Share these butterflies – tag a friend or share the post. There are so many who need these butterflies now, don’t hold back on helping them fly to all who need them.
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