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Here you go! Butterflies for you!
This time the image is layered loving with Yellow Swallowtail butterflies, shimmers of sunlight on butterfly boxes, Crocuses, all held with the new Essence Mandala “Trustful Acceptance.” The butterflies are here to ease your heart. To lift your spirits with a smile and a moment (or longer) of joy. To carry away your pain and worries. To comfort your body and soul. Breathe in the light and love, letting it flow through you.
Spend a moment with the image. Let the Essence of Trustful Acceptance find its way deep within you. It is with acceptance and trust that our path forward becomes easier and our hearts grow lighter. It may be dark now, but the light will find its way through.
Know that you are not alone. You are loved.
I’d love for you to share this, too. You never know who most needs these butterflies right now. ???????????????? #butterfliesforyou #butterflyenergy #EssenceMandala #TrustfulAcceptance #Ease #Comfort #Soulfulbutterfly
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