Photo Caption:
Here you go! Beautiful butterflies heading to you tonight!
This image is layers of love – a bright lily, shimmers of sunlight on beaded butterfly boxes, yellow swallowtail butterflies, and the all new Essence Mandala “Awakened Wonder”. Stay a moment with this image. Let the Essence of Awakened Wonder brighten your heart and open your mind. Let the colours of the butterflies lift your spirits and bring a moment of joy. Feel the ease the butterflies – and wonder – awaken in you. Watch the butterflies carry away your worries and pain. Know comfort, love and peace. You are loved. You are not alone.
By all means, share this so that everyone who needs the butterfly touch will receive it. <3 <3
#butterfliesforyou #butterflyenergy #EssenceMandala #awakenedwonder #spiritualsupport #SoulfulButterfly
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