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Sending out butterflies to energize and lift, heal and inspire, comfort and celebrate.
This new Essence Mandala is Excuberance, layered over shimmers of sunlight on Abalone shell, Lilac flowers and yellow swallowtail butterflies.
Stay a moment with the beauty here. Let the Essence of Exuberance find its way into your heart. Feel your energy rise and your mood lighten. Watch the butterflies carry away your pain and worries. Notice the ease that flows into your breath, and the optimism the imbues your mind.
These are for you, and to share. May you feel their lift and their light and have the fuel you need to keep moving forward.
You are loved. You are not alone.
#butterflyenergy #butterfliesforyou #spiritualsupport #SoulfulButterfly #EssenceMandala #exuberance
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