Dee Morrison Is In The Butterfly House! Bring on the Insights!

Beautiful Ones! This is the first ever guest post on Hands on Gratitude, and it won’t be the last! Wheeee!!

I’m so excited to have Dee Morrison as the guest astrologer in Rx for RX, and to host her posts here from time to time.

We’ve got a lot of good stuff in store for you to help you through Mercury retrograde and its shadows. And I know her posts will bring you beautiful insights.

Please join me in welcoming Dee to our soul-family!

Dee Morrison, guest astrologer for Rx for Rx with Butterfly Shaman, Teresa DeakHi, My name is Dee Morrison and I recently was introduced to the wonderful Teresa Deak, owner of

For those of you who don’t know me, I am an Astrologer, Psychic, Reiki Master and Coach. I work mostly with women and women’s issues including assisting them with healing their love, money and physical well being issues.

These are interesting times that we live in – much like the Chinese blessing/curse that says may you live in interesting times. Much of what has worked in the past for humanity now appears to be crumbling and that can be a scary thing.

What I tell my clients is that when your physical world tools no longer seem to work effectively, it’s time to whip out your metaphysical tool kit – things like astrology, the Tarot, Reiki, crystals, law of attraction, yoga and meditation. These tools provide insights not immediately visible to those who rely mostly on their left brained logic for support and assurance.

From these bold new intuitive insights spring new possibilities for self and others!

The challenges of today are an open invitation to new growth and expansion for the whole of humanity. Vision is required and a steady focus must be maintained on our desired outcomes – not the challenges.

With that in mind, Teresa and I are joining forces to share our gifts with you for awhile. I will post from time to time on her site and she will do the same on my site; please accept my invitation to visit there.

Our intention is to support you in expanding your vision, healing those aspects of your life that are creating pain for you as well as creating physical world actions and enthusiasm for an empowered future. I’d like to thank Teresa for this opportunity to meet with all of you.

Yes, these are challenging times we live in; let them also be inspiring times and may we all bring our finest gifts forward to share openly with one another, that all may live empowered lives.

Rich Blessings!

Dee Morrison

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