How I’ll commemorate 50 Years as Teresa Deak will involve 50 pictures and you. You have to read this post to find out more!
Archive | The Butterfly Way
Exploring butterflies as a spiritual path.
I’m Turning 50 And I Need Your Help!
Teresa Deak turns 50 this year and she’s going to need your help to commemorate it. All we know so far is that it will be fun, and she needs your input. You’re ready to help, right?
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Beauty follows her own trajectory! Spirals and swirls, she does it all! #beautyinallthings #beautyinsmallthings #beautywillsaveus #daffodil #flower #spiritualsupport #SoulfulButterfly
Welcome Back To My All New Site
Hello, Beautifuls! Welcome to my newly refreshed home on the interwebs! The site is fresh and new, the domain is all me, and the emails are going out once a week to share my latest butterflies, Rock Stars, observations and beautiful moments. In the busy multi-faceted world I live, my opportunities for writing from the […]
To You Who Fight For All Of Us: A Thank You And A Gift
We each have our own capacity, our own gifts, our own way to help. For those of you who fight, who are activists, who are leading the way, I offer you my Thank You – a boost from my crystal Rock Stars. You may need it now more than ever.
2016 – The Year Of Our Collective Grief
We’ve had a lot of practice with loss this year, so you’d think we would be better at recognizing grief. We aren’t. Especially when it is collective grief. These are a few things I’ve learned about grief this year. Maybe they can help you or someone you know right now.
Light And Love – It’s What I Do
It’s true that I believe that energy is the root of everything. And that where we focus our energy – and our attitude – makes a vast difference in our experience of the world. And there are some things about energy that I don’t think are always true. Changing your energetic relationship to money will […]
Busy or Spiritual? It Isn’t Either/Or – You Are A Spiritual Being
You are busy. Too busy to devote a lot of time to your spiritual journey. Not a problem. You are a spiritual being. Use butterfly touches to nourish your soul. Teresa Deak can help with that.