This mandala for Healing carries its essence right to your heart. Feel its power, let yourself be drawn into it. Savour the flow of healing that enters you.

This mandala for Healing carries its essence right to your heart. Feel its power, let yourself be drawn into it. Savour the flow of healing that enters you.
The grand release – it’s nothing like in the movies! Butterfly LuminAwesomety clearings allow Diva and I to help ghosts find their way to the other side.
Following the prompts of the Butterfly Resonance Images, for my birthday Oct 10 2013, we’ll share joy and send healing in a free Shared Shaman’s Choice Session.
Astrologer Dee Morrison visits the Butterfly playhouse on Hands on Gratitude, with insights for these interesting times we live in.
What’s the difference between energy clearing and sending butterflies? It’s all about intention, baby! Not to worry, you can have both. Together, even
Macro photo of orange and white butterflies. On their wings I release all I don’t need and all that I crave leaving room for a beautiful flow of gratitude, joy and love.