Revealed: Nine of Kindness

Nine of Kindness

Macro photo of rising layers of stone. Gratitude Tarot card Nine of Kindness: held in this place, a tiny voice insists the view will clear in time.

she speaks in many languages
     sometimes her urging
             creates pangs of fear

painful     isolating     dark

I did not ask for this
        who erected this stone wall?

held in this place

painted with the colours of my fears

I feel

alone      hurt      undone

          and the view from here
stops me cold
               worried the path may never appear

a tiny voice insists

in time

                    is there such a luxury?
               is there anything but?

the view will clear

and her wild whispers will guide me
          to the deepest wishes of my heart

the light returning
     as the wall tilts into a bridge

to soul-family

Worry and anxiety can become walls that hold us in. Nightmares
may reveal the Divine in our fears. Be tender with your heart. 

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3 Responses to Revealed: Nine of Kindness

  1. Sandi Amorim May 9, 2012 at 1:02 pm #

    I have heard those wild whispers and they always steer me true. xoS

    • PicsieChick May 9, 2012 at 1:04 pm #

      oh, yes! And I have seen you do exactly that! Thank you for being bold inspiration for me and so many others!

      Hugs and butterflies,

  2. kelly May 9, 2012 at 6:12 pm #

    thank you, once again. and i love those last lines, that is you, a bridge to soul family. perfect.

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