The Colours of Everything You Need

When I send butterflies all the world kind of fades from view for a moment, so the butterflies can reveal themselves.

My mind becomes still, focused only the person the butterflies will visit.

My heart opens, ready to channel whatever the universe is sending through me to them.

Each time it’s a quiet, peaceful moment.

I love this moment so much, I relish it deeply. I savour its rich warmth flooding through me.

I’ve been sending these butterflies for years now, guiding their healing energies towards those who need them.

Not that long ago, I began to notice something that surprised me about these butterflies. Something that made me realize the depth and power of their healing energy.

Something that made me love them and that moment so much more.

I can see their colours!
Energy and love flow through the universe carrying a world of colour, reflecting back to us the beauty of our soul, the colours of our life.
Well, more accurately, I feel their colours.

I feel how the butterflies are as they flow through me to you, and the best words I have for those feelings are colours.

And knowing the colours they bring to you is a way for me to see what you need, what you are dealing with.

It’s like my intuition draws back the curtain that divides you from I, and I can pour my love and intention directly into the parts of you that need it most.

I love knowing that these butterflies are much more than mere flighty critters popping in for a moment of wonder. Infused with colour they bring gifts that are exactly what you need.

How do I know how to describe these feelings?

The words just pour out of me.

Soft green and light blue feel like a comforting hug.

Bright orange and bronze feel powerful and filled with confident energy.

Dark purple and blue feel rich with connections to the universe.

There are layers to the beauty in these colours.

As they flow through me, as I allow the words to pour out, we know there is something of me in them. Love and intention, surely, but also something more, something that strengthens the butterflies for their flight.

So there are the butterflies, straight from the universe, ready to help you. And there is the element of me, ushering them through, sending them off, holding the intention and colour I felt for you.

In a pulsing beauty of alchemy, there is even more to this.

When they arrive with you, when you feel the butterflies connect with you, they are changed again. As are you.

Your colour, your sense, your needs, your vision all meld with the butterflies and my intention to fill you with exactly what you need.

What was bronze may brighten to orange. What was purple may mellow to blue or transform to gold. What was transparent may fill with all of the colours of the world.

Even if I don’t tell you the colours I see in your butterflies, you’ll always receive exactly what you need. And it fills my heart in more beautiful ways when I hear from you what you received.

Energy and love flow through the universe carrying a world of colour, reflecting back to us the beauty of our soul, the colours of our life.

You could start each day with a beauty-filled butterfly moment inspired by a card from my Gratitude Tarot, delivered to your inbox as 23 Whispers.

And join our Butterfly Rabble on Facebook to enjoy all things butterfly in a warm and fun community.

So, tell me. What colour are your butterflies today?

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5 Responses to The Colours of Everything You Need

  1. Christie Halmick April 10, 2013 at 8:31 am #

    Mine are bright orange and purple! Love this. As a designer I’ve spent a lot of time learning about colors and what they mean and the feelings they convey. Listened to an interview about “drunk tank pink” and it’s calming effect. So interesting how color is wired into our beings.

  2. Denise April 10, 2013 at 5:24 pm #

    Light blue and white fluttering all about in fields of lupine and poppies. I am deeply touched by your post Teresa. Coming from a health background…your healing power reminds me of what I learned about distance healing in sending energy for love and health. I LOVE the energy of the butterflies moving to you, through you and on to the healing work. XX

  3. Lisa Claudia Briggs April 12, 2013 at 1:44 pm #

    Teresa.. even though I appreciated your gifts and the beauty of the butterflies before, I didn’t totally get the full impact until reading this.. how much of a vessel/channel you were/are for the butterflies and how much intention and infusion came with each one. They have a whole different meaning for me now and I “see” you and they in a different….light.
    My butterflies? Today I get mango-y orange and green…
    Love to you,

  4. Jessica at ClickAClass April 13, 2013 at 4:56 am #

    Teresa, I’m so grateful you’re in this world, doing your butterfly play/work! I like to picture butterflies with pink and turquoise, edged in black. Like Lisa said, this post gives me a much better insight into exactly what a gift you are. <3


  1. Melt that negative reaction with butterflies! - June 10, 2013

    […] also know that sending butterflies to someone is like sending them a big warm hug and showering them with all of the things they need, […]

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