It was the faintest echo of my feelings from childhood, and has already passed. I don’t understand why, yet I am called to share this with you. You are not alone.

It was the faintest echo of my feelings from childhood, and has already passed. I don’t understand why, yet I am called to share this with you. You are not alone.
Macro photo white anemone flowers back to back against dark green foliage; white peony embracing blue sky, receiving and releasing is the flow of breath of the Universe.
Macro photos of Diva with her squeak and waves of water over gentle pebbles. In my grief, moments of regret are heavy, yet I’m learning that knowing is not the answer.
Macro photo of pink columbine with white snow-on-the-mountain behind. Release is an idea whose blossoms kaleidoscope with colours and angles rare and exotic.
Macro photo of snow on grey green seed pod. Release eludes me. When the answer arrives, the work begins. Now there is only room for love.
Macro photo of blue scilla amid tulip leaves reflected in suspended water drop. I invite you here to listen with me, to watch for the Divine together.
Macro photo of blue butterfly with orange spots a top tiny pink flowers. Shame’s stealthy homecoming has pulled my heart under, yet we will fly again.
Macro photo of bronze and yellow dragonfly adorned with shimmering water drops, the image of magic, long awaited, sadly missed, invited to enter again.