Tag Archives | beautiful

My first Monarch butterfly greeted us when we arrived at our first practice home for our new space clearing skills.

Butterfly Signs – I’m Listening

We were greeted by a single Monarch. As we arrived at the home – steeped in history, darkened by the woods surrounding it, rich with story – the Monarch alighted. A brilliant flash of orange against the faded stucco. Living in BC, I had not seen a Monarch in person before. This first encounter was […]

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Beauty for your email inbox: 23 days. 23 cards. 23 Whispers.

What happens when the butterflies join up with the Gratitude Tarot? A little butterfly magic!

Macro photo of mating silvery blue butterflies. Butterfly visits paired with Gratitude Tarot cards in daily emails. 23 cards. 23 email. 23 Whispers.

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