Last night there was so much excitement in my home that it practically turned into Squee-land!
1. Informal. an exlammation of unrestrained delight
For the past several months I’ve been working with talented developer David Wong, who I met on Facebook. Together we created a digital mobile version of my Gratitude Tarot Deck, which we submitted to Apple and Android yesterday.
And last night, Android approved the app and made it available in the Google Play Store! That’s what the surprised and exaggerated Squees were about! We thought it would take at least a day or two.
The Apple App Store takes a bit longer for approval, so watch for a release in a few weeks.
When we started I realized I knew nothing about how an app is created or what would be involved, so I expected surprises. And I got them!
Who knew all of the details within deatils that we’d have to test and tweak and fine tune? And that was just in the creating phase! Now that we’ve moved on to the promotion phase, the learning starts all over again. Of course, I opted for starting with cute, with this video:
It’s been quite a ride and an amazing learning experience. I’m proud to share with you the results of our work: The Gratitude Tarot App.
Now that the heavy lifting is done and the app is available, the ride continues! Next steps: learn all about press releases and set up a table at the next Body & Soul Wellness Fair. Which, I’m sure, will be accompanied by its own fair share of Squee!
And I want to thank you. All of you! For your patience and support, for your butterflies and love, for sharing what feels good to you. And to all my testers – thank you for your invaluable feedback. You made this happen. Thank you!
A very nice page with a very nice write-up and video. I enjoy working with you and look forward to our continuing friendship and collaboration as we travel the next steps in this journey.
Thanks for providing the definition for Squee – I had been wondering what that meant. I mistakenly thought it was a form of “sweet”. I’m learning. 🙂
Thanks, David! I can hardly wait to see what we come up with next!
Sweet? Yeah, it could be that, too. It all works!
Hugs and butterflies,
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! What an amazing, impressive achievement! You rock and you inspire me!
Thanks Karen! It’s been wild and fun and here we are in the marketing phase and it’s still wild and fun!
Hugs and butterflies,
Ooh how exciting – I need to build a few apps myself, this is great! I always think people are missing a huge market if they don’t make this sort of thing available for smart phones. I’m an iPhone user, and I want it NOW! Hee hee!
If you plan to build them yourself you really have my admiration, Helen! I could not have done any of this without the developer.
When I create my next app (did I just say that out loud?), I’ll definitely be working with David again! If you’re interested in collaborating with him, I can definitely introduce the two of you.
Hugs and butterflies,
Yippee! I love it…and I love your video too. What fun. So, let us know when that Apple version comes out. I use my horoscope app each day and this would be a super fun addition.
And thank you for your infectious joy…I was in need of a shot today.
Jacqueline, the Apple version may be much sooner than I’d thought! I’m sure I’ll be squeeing all about it all over the place, but if you want to be sure you hear about it, sign up here to get the email announcement
I am so happy that the joy is infectious and you go the shot you needed! Perfect!
Hugs and butterflies,
Congrats Teresa! My hubby is an app developer so I know so much more than I ever imaged I would know about the process. Hard work but so worth the effort!
Well, Christie, I only know the creative juggling that needed doing, I don’t have even a clue about the coding…and that was plenty! So happy with how it turned out!
Hugs and butterflies,
What a great idea for an app! I am going to check it out when it’s on Apple. I created an app, too, and while it took a lot of work, it’s been a fun experience.
Hey, Tracey! The app was approved this afternoon! You can check it out now!
What sort of app did you create? Is it on Android or only iOS?
Hugs and butterflies,
Yahoooooooo! Congratulations! I’ll be embarking on an app-development adventure of my own soon, so I’m loving your inspiration and courage.
Congratulations, Teresa! That’s great achievement, App looks very beautiful on the phone, and your video is very inviting to try them out.
Hi Teresa.. that’s so exciting for you and for all the people who are going to LOVE that gorgeous deck. Always wondered about the process of designing and app. and for now it sounds like more work than can be a priority for me. I have a droid…am going to go see/buy… Love and congratulations.. big happy news.
Hey, nice app you got there, and it’s not even expensive compared to other ones of this kind! And great presentation video btw, it will surely draw people’ attention. Congratulations over that.