Just what are Essence Mandalas anyway?
Through the wonders of mobile technology and an app recommendation from my playfully inspiring friend Sylvia, I have a tool that lets me write words with kaleidoscope wands.
The results are mandalas that carry the essence of the word straight to your soul.
These mandalas are easy to get lost in, to sink into and to feel their essence, making them a beautiful meditative companion.
If we’re connected on Facebook – or even if you read my blog posts – you’ve seen these Essence Mandalas pop up now and then.
They make beautiful butterflies!
I print my Essence Mandalas at home to make butterflies with them.
These are the butterflies I use in the energy work I do with you – it’s a physical representation of your energy in the work being done.
They work beautifully well, in part because they are so pretty and colourful!
Sharing the essence
One day a week I make a point of sharing for #MondayMandala – sometimes a new post, sometimes a game where you let me know which of the three Essence Mandalas draws you in and how the others make you feel.
I wait a few hours before sharing the words whose essence they carry – and so often it is a beautiful revelation!
I know there is more that these beautiful images will be doing for us.
Puzzling over products
In my heart, I know these Essence Mandalas need to be in your hands. You need to be able to work with them and enjoy them on the deep level that they can reach you.
While I’ve been puzzling over which products are best suited for you, I’ve been working with David Wong – the same developer who helped me create the Gratitude Tarot App – to bring you Essence Mandala puzzles!
It has been reported that these puzzles are highly addictive and that they are also quite relaxing. You might want to give them a try one day.
The power of print
So far there has been one custom order of cards, which have been well received. If you have a need for beautiful cards or other items, pop a message over to me on Facebook or email and we’ll see what we can make happen.
We don’t have to stick with cards or prints – there are so many possibilities out there!
Clothing, household items, office accessories – you name it, it’s out there!
Got ideas of what products you’d like to see in Essence Mandalas? Tell us in the comments! What fun!
As the ideas percolate – and your feedback comes in about what you would want to buy – I hope you’ll keep enjoying Essence Mandalas wherever they pop up.
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