Revealed: The High Priestess

The High Priestess

Photo of Duchess the swan beside the pond in Polson Park. Gratitude Tarot card The High Priestess: mystery breaking open upon the shores of my soul.

to hear her whisper
      is to
         feel my heart


               f a s t e r

                  to know her gentle truth
            is to awaken to my own


flowing in Gratitude
      the secrets are bared
            the doors to the Infinite

opened wide

                 to the seeking heart

there is stillness needed here
      the breathlessness of

awe and mystery

                        breaking open upon the
                              shores of my soul

                  their flotsam a treasure
            whose value can not be named
      in dollars and


their detritus

the answer

            to the questions
                  my mind asks my heart

In the stillness of your heart your voice will be heard. Allow Gratitude 
to flow to unlock the secrets held within.

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7 Responses to Revealed: The High Priestess

  1. Birdy Diamond September 11, 2012 at 12:52 am #

    OMG!!! Did. Not. Know.
    SOOOO glad to have discovered this. 🙂 :>

    • Teresa September 11, 2012 at 9:41 am #

      So glad you are here, too Birdy! Have a look around – almost all of the 79 cards have been revealed…..

      Hugs and butterflies,

  2. Bri Saussy September 11, 2012 at 4:30 pm #

    So beautiful Teresa! I love the card and I love the accompanying poem!

  3. wholly jeanne February 9, 2013 at 7:35 am #

    sugar, i cannot think of a finer way to kick off my weekend. thank you – for the beauty you send out into the world, for allowing us to see through your eyes the beauty of things often unnoticed, and for including nancy and me here. xo


  1. big cloth - February 11, 2013

    […] to be here. Thank you, Teresa. This entry was posted in in her own language and tagged confidence, […]

  2. big cloth - July 12, 2013

    […] to be here. Thank you, […]

  3. big cloth - October 7, 2013

    […] to be here. Thank you, […]

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