I love making pendulums. I wonder how many times I’ve said this in a blog post. hmmmm
I say it so often because it’s so true!
Creating these pendulums is a meditative, intuitive, spiritual practice that provides someone else with a beautiful energetic tool.
I feel honoured to make pendulums for people.
Usually, there is an air of mystery and surprise. I ask each customer if they would like to choose or if they would like my pendulum to choose. I also ask if they would like to see a photo before they receive in.
Without fail, each recipient wants the element of surprise.
Do I need to keep it a secret that I love this about my people?
I love how this feeds the anticipation junkie in me! I get to be part of the secret! Wheeee!!!
Recently, I had one customer purchase two pendulums as gifts. (How cool is that?)
I prepared them each for shipping, as I always do, carefully wrapped in tissue in a drawstring bag. When I met him in person to deliver them, rather than pull them out, I showed him photos so he could see what he had purchased.
What I didn’t know – until we got together for me to deliver him a third pendulum that was just for him – was that he took a sneak peek himself before he delivered them.
The first of the two pendulums was going to someone who is new to energetic healing. Things in her life have changed a lot in the last few years so now she is searching and seeking and finding her path.
When he held her pendulum, The Star, he said it felt comforting and gentle to him, which we both agreed was a perfect fit.
The other pendulum was created for a woman who has been deep in the world of energetic practices for 20 or more years. She does Reiki, crystal healing, reflexology and more. He gently and jokingly calls her the Witch Doctor.
He wanted to see her pendulum, too, before he sent it off to her, so he took the Hierophant pendulum out of its packaging.
What happened next surprised him. As soon as he had both hands on the pendulum – completing the circuit – he felt an electric shock shoot up his arms. It bit him!
He could not let go of it fast enough! He got his wife to package it back up for mailing. And he let the receiver know that she should call him when she opens it.
Over the phone he let her know what her beautiful new tool had done to him.
And she laughed. Apparently quite a lot.
What she told him is that this pendulum was made for her – programmed, so to speak, to be used in the hands of an experienced energetic practitioner. Even though he had frequently handled her crystals and other tools, this one didn’t want him to touch it.
This tool wanted to be hers and only hers. And it wasn’t going to be handled by his energy.
There’s something so powerful in this.
Something that exclaims a “Hell, Yes!” to the pendulums and to my way of creating them.
This is no whisper!
This is real.
And each one is perfectly tuned for the energy of its owner.
And that leads me to the big a-ha for today:
My ability to get out of my own way, to let the pendulum guide me to the beads and crystals it wants to be a part of it, creates exactly what is needed for that individual.
More than anything, my process is about letting go.
As long as I’m not pushing, the end result will reveal itself.
Such an important thing for me to remember in all that I do. Especially as I work towards creating my next offering.
It’s not about worrying whether I’ll come up with the best thing or picturing the lives that I’ll change with it. It’s not about planning each detail and forcing an outcome.
It’s about gently doing in the flow of the Universe.
Let go. Let it flow.
I’ll be reciting this mantra a lot in the next month.
How about you? Have you ever been reminded of why you need to let go, to let it flow?
Have you found ways to keep yourself in that flow, in that knowing? Share your stories with us. We love stories!
ps – if you’d like one of these beautiful Gratitude Tarot Pendulums for yourself or a gift, you can buy them here.
Hi Teresa; I love your story because it is personal to me too…you see…I received the gentle pendant (The Star) you made as a gift for my son in law and daughter to give me for Mother’s Day! And yes….my Star IS gentle and patient with me as we continue to get to know each other. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!… Oh and by the way…did you know that Star has a sense of humor?…
What an awesome story to share, Teresa! I don’t often get a sense of energy from objects, but every now and then, I’ll feel *something* from one.
One day, I think, I’d love to get one of your pendulums for myself: they sound like such amazingly beautiful, personal gifts 🙂
Teresa, I have another story for you about one of your pendulums. The one I purchased from you and the card that came with it, is gone. It is AWOL.
I signed up for a pendulum class at my local spiritual store. (I told you I would show my pendulum to the store owner) A couple of days before the class – my pendulum and the card disappeared. My sense is they did not want me to take the class – for whatever reason. I feel they will be back however they are (at this minute) still missing.