I’ve renewed my focus on sending butterflies to those who need encouragement or healing, a pick-me-up or calmness. To those I am grateful to. To you. I am falling more and more in love with this practice and delighting in how it continues to evolve!
Lately, as I send these butterflies, I ask you to tell me what colour they are. I have to tell you: Your answers have lifted this delicate practice to a whole new level of magical Beauty.
Thank you.
This is for you.
my imagining cracks open
with your words
your colours on brilliant wings
I see us together
all of us
soul-family celebrating
our glittering web of connections
a congress of butterflies
a murmuration of colour
a soul of many souls
shining facets of the same jewel
they arrive to you
these butterflies
just in time
exactly when you need them
iridescent pinks
cool margarita greens
electric and periwinkle
so many blues
we are these colours
pink and red
yellow and green
purple and orange
yes, together
combining in gorgeousness
we are these butterflies
filled with love
fragrant with ginger and jasmine
rushing warm energy
dropping golden sparkles
with only a few words
to guide them from me
to you
they alight within you
and more than anything
I want to know
what do my butterflies
awaken in your soul?
ps – I’m talking to Jenny Bones on Inspiration Radio Nov 28 at noon pacific time. Join us or listen in later.
Life, every day, you celebrate life like no other. You, and your gorgeous butterflies are such a beautiful gift, I am so glad to know you, so glad you joined in my celebration! Xoxo and of course, blue butterflies!