Macro photos of yellow california poppy on the rocks and pink magnolia petal on green grass. Clearly, I have more work to do. I don’t want it to hurt.

Macro photos of yellow california poppy on the rocks and pink magnolia petal on green grass. Clearly, I have more work to do. I don’t want it to hurt.
Macro photo of orange and brown butterfly on rocks. From within the shadow we can’t know the beautiful colours we are formed from.
Why do I explore the Gratitude Tarot poetically? So these words, like these cards, can be yours.
Photo of mature fir in silhouette balancing the moon. Gratitude Tarot card Six of Kindness: blind to your own persistence, you inspire us to continue.
Macro photo of sun-dappled blue chicory blooms. Gratitude Tarot card Ten of Community: this call that urges me to open brings first the need to know myself.
Macro photo of sunlight slicing through a dark forest. Gratitude Tarot card King of Kindness: the brilliance of this coming together moves us forward.
Macro photo of pink rose glorified in dappled light. Gratitude Tarot card The Hieorphant reminds me of the Beauty of tradition and my own unique voice