a thought
a stray truth
that has wormed its way over
from the other side
everything is sacred
so easy to see
in red yellow glow
of Diva angel
to hear in the
cheerful tones
of birds in chatter
to feel in the
warmth of sun
on rain dampened grass
to know in the
gentle touch
of the one you love
these are the bright things
the moments we feel
the sacred
but everything is
each of us is Divine
the breath and the heart
and the soul of us
and in our Divinity
we are capable
only of the
every moment
every thought
every action
everyone near us
everyone loving us
everyone hurting us
if only we could see
our Divinity
if only we could be
our sacredness
yet even this
even this
profane existence
also sacred
we cannot escape
the sacred
we cannot
lessen it
we cannot
lose it
sacred is
even these tears
who return to pour from me
again and again
even these words
that stumble out
not quite fully formed
if we want to truly
experience sacred
we need only do
one thing
because everything
and I mean every thing
is sacred
and this message
I thought was for you
is also for me
and my broken-open
even this hollowness
this gaping openness
is sacred
for one day it will overflow
with love
We do and they can. I’m developing something that may just help with this. You’ll hear all about it once I’ve worked with my testers.
Grief is shifting and moving for me, and I’m ready to ease back to my shared practices again. The Shared Shaman’s Choice Session will be back next Monday. It’s free and there’s room for 9 people, so sign up if you’d like a butterfly boost.
This is beautiful (in other words sacred). I am aware, of the beauty in all things. You nailed it down well. Just wow…great job. Keep sharing… 🙂
Out of a time of darkness comes such beauty and Light. To touch our sacredness is a precious moment. To help others reach into that moment is the expression of Life Itself. Looking forward to seeing is being birthed next.
Beautiful, just so beautiful!
Especially those last lines about one day it will overflow with love. So healing to read that, thank you!
Love and blessings,
Everything is Sacred… yes… I see now why you connected with me today.
Beautiful fellow adventures unite!