Our May 2016 #MonthlyMandala – Noticing asks you to open your heart & your eyes – make room to see the signs all around us, and within us. It’s all sacred.

Our May 2016 #MonthlyMandala – Noticing asks you to open your heart & your eyes – make room to see the signs all around us, and within us. It’s all sacred.
After digging out from a difficult task, there is light and realization. In the sacredness of everything, taxes stand beside butterflies. A sacred rite.
We are all in search of Sacred, yet she is always within us. Perhaps it is feeling that connection with the Divine that we crave. May our spiritual practices bring us this feeling over and over again.
Everything is sacred. One day this thought landed in my heart, as if whispered there by the Infinite. I had heard this before, of course, but I had questioned it. You see, love and joy and beauty were easy to see as sacred. But how could pain and suffering, anger and frustration, worry and sadness […]
Macro photo white anemone flowers back to back against dark green foliage; white peony embracing blue sky, receiving and releasing is the flow of breath of the Universe.
Macro photo of sun warmed white dogwood flower, one petal gone, floating in darkness; another of amber red glass glowing with sun, a vision from Diva. Everything is Sacred
Macro photos of ice longingly reflecting the freedom of sky and trees; and of yellow butterfly floating towards mountains. My rituals are clamoring to be discovered.
Macro photo of lavender and creamy yellow hosta flower. Gratitude Tarot card Wheel of Fortune: nestled between its befores & afters, now is one thread