Revealed: Eight of Kindness

Eight of Kindness

from here in your inertiaMacro photo of water drops on hosta. Gratitude Tarot card Eight of Kindness: hear the wild call in the dance and whisper of your dreams and sisters.
the wild call is faint
the dance and whisper
of your dreams and sisters

what holds you here?

what does here and now
that your dreams can not

what calls to you?

her dazzling longing
her shimmering allure
a hunger you can not ignore

what does it take to hear her?

in the quiet of desire
deep within
beyond the edges of knowing
her voice is clear

this is the paradox of your truth

what you need you must give
what you desire you must release

Something holds you in place and only you have the 
power to release you. Share your gifts with others to see 
the hope in this moment. Seek what's missing in giving.

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One Response to Revealed: Eight of Kindness

  1. kelly April 21, 2012 at 7:00 am #

    love this… photos, words, and you

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