To get it all done and enjoy a recent trip, Teresa Deak learned to bend time. Here she shares the top 4 tips and a bonus that will help you bend time, too.
Tag Archives | dance
The Essence of Emerge
This mandala for Emerge carries its essence right to your heart. Feel its power, let yourself be drawn into it. Notice how your heart flowers as it emerges.
This Is The Path Forward
The path forward – the path of our souls and our heart and our businesses – ebbs and flows, cycling fast sometimes and slowly at others, just as nature does.
The Name of Love Revealed
She is with me in all I do, in the butterflies, in my smiling Diva, in the Beauty who fills my heart. What is the Name of Love? She tells me with laughter.
Mercury Retrograde Returns a Character From My Past
Macro photo of bees in crocuses with brittle leaves and bright light. I didn’t recognize shame right away, but when I did, I melted with love and compassion.
Choose your course, set a goal, and be ready to dance!
Know that there is much we do not know. Welcome the surprises from the universe as an invitation to dance, she simply knows more than we do.
The Butterfly Way or How To Not Lose Your Shit
I didn’t lose my shit. All because of the Butterfly Way. Butterfly Resonance Image: Photo of yellow swallowtail butterflies dancing in a rich blue sky.
Revealed: Gratitude
Photo of white Duchess the swan on dark water. Gratitude Tarot card Gratitude: becomes the river of life with all the fuel and support my heart needs.