Wednesday Wisdom is your choice of 3 Essence Mandalas created by Teresa Deak and chosen by her pendulum for our focus for this week. Which one calls to you? Do you feel their energy? How do they feel to you?

Wednesday Wisdom is your choice of 3 Essence Mandalas created by Teresa Deak and chosen by her pendulum for our focus for this week. Which one calls to you? Do you feel their energy? How do they feel to you?
Know that there is much we do not know. Welcome the surprises from the universe as an invitation to dance, she simply knows more than we do.
Bring your soul the one thing it craves – peace – with the power of butterflies. Teresa Deak, Butterfly Oracle, shows us how.
Macro photos of butterflies. Butterfly Oracle, Teresa Deak reveals why she sends Butterflies. Not just for their richness of meaning – they feed us.
Macro photo of scilla blossom pushing past fall’s dead leaf. Gratitude Tarot card Judgement: my soul awakens with love enough for all of soul-family.
Macro photo of tiny white flowers and green leaves. When my Center of Gratitude drops, it’s time to journey through her elements again, with thanks.
Macro photo of burning bush leaf resting on rock and wood. Gratitude Tarot card The Chariot: paradox blooms, bright fuel for the journey ahead.
Photo of yellow flower with green leaves. Gratitude Tarot card Justice: this heart longs for the weave of soul-family to be fluid, equal, supporting.