From my heart to yours, the #MondayMandala – Beloved. Drenched in the purples and raspberies loved by a musical great, radiant with powerful love.

From my heart to yours, the #MondayMandala – Beloved. Drenched in the purples and raspberies loved by a musical great, radiant with powerful love.
For April 2016 we have our first #MonthlyMandala – Manifest! This is the month we take the Universe to task and get ready for the bounty we desire.
I didn’t settle with just a Word For The Year for me – I have one for you, too! Discover Essence and Ease with me in 2015 in Master Sundays and more.
This mandala for the New Year carries its essence right to your heart. Feel its powert, let yourself be drawn into it. Savour the weave of your own desires.
Know that there is much we do not know. Welcome the surprises from the universe as an invitation to dance, she simply knows more than we do.
Macro photo of cells in mostly red leaf. Gratitude Tarot card Two of Awareness: in this latticework of potential the weave of soul-family tethers us.