Our May 2016 #MonthlyMandala – Noticing asks you to open your heart & your eyes – make room to see the signs all around us, and within us. It’s all sacred.

Our May 2016 #MonthlyMandala – Noticing asks you to open your heart & your eyes – make room to see the signs all around us, and within us. It’s all sacred.
Macro photo white anemone flowers back to back against dark green foliage; white peony embracing blue sky, receiving and releasing is the flow of breath of the Universe.
In my quest for rituals I discover what I don’t need. I don’t need to know what I am letting go of. I don’t need to know what I will receive. Instead, I need to trust.
Words belong to the reader, regardless of what the author intended. Release Your Words that you might Awaken the Divine in another. It’s worth the risk.
I have to be willing to follow the Butterfly, I have to choose to trust it. Featuring two new Butterfly Resonance Images: Follow Wonder and Breathe Trust.
Macro photo of purple rimmed green hens and chicks. Gratitude Tarot card Eight of Thankfulness: pushing skills to blossom and learning begins anew.
Macro photo of sun-dappled blue chicory blooms. Gratitude Tarot card Ten of Community: this call that urges me to open brings first the need to know myself.