The path forward – the path of our souls and our heart and our businesses – ebbs and flows, cycling fast sometimes and slowly at others, just as nature does.

The path forward – the path of our souls and our heart and our businesses – ebbs and flows, cycling fast sometimes and slowly at others, just as nature does.
Macro photo white anemone flowers back to back against dark green foliage; white peony embracing blue sky, receiving and releasing is the flow of breath of the Universe.
Macro photo of frost feathers against blue sky. I feel myself dissolving into normal, ready to quietly dismantle this path for another heart.
The chrysalis has no view of the Beauty it will unleash on the world. Macro photo of bee and soft yellow butterfly on pink and green flowers.
Photo of white Duchess the swan on dark water. Gratitude Tarot card Gratitude: becomes the river of life with all the fuel and support my heart needs.
Macro photo of shimmer upon dark water. Gratitude Tarot card The Moon: if I listen closely a tattoo upon my soul: follow your heart, she always knows.
Macro photo of sunlight slicing through a dark forest. Gratitude Tarot card King of Kindness: the brilliance of this coming together moves us forward.
Macro photo of pair of white daffodils. Gratitude Tarot card The Lovers: small and big, I am the fire of my contradiction loved by soul-family.